Documents: list

Return information about the Documents by Record id and Record type.

Request - GET{recordType}&recordId={recordId}

You will need to supply Record Type and Record Id on your request parameters with this method. You can get your Record Id from the return of each record list and the record type is explained below.
You can supply optional query param Document Type to filter by document type, types are explained below
You will need to include your access token upon making a request. For more information, see the authentication and authorization page.

Example request with authorization:

curl -- GET Base URI:{recordType}&recordId={recordId}
--header "Authorization: Bearer MTQ0NjJkZmQ5OTM2NDE1ghNNBiuyUYUN"

Query Parameters
Landlord record type = 2
Property record type = 3
Tenant record type = 4
Tenancy record type = 5
Contractor record type = 6
Contact record type = 9
Vendor record type = 11
Applicant record type = 12
Business record type = 14

The Record's ID

UnSpecified = 1
Contract = 2
Statement = 3
Invoice = 4
Letter = 5
Spreadsheet = 6
Certificates = 7
Photo = 8
EICR = 9
Brochure = 10
WindowCard = 11
EPCGraph = 12

Document Type:

The list below describes the possible document type ids.

UnSpecified = 1
Contract = 2
Statement = 3
Invoice = 4
Letter = 5
Spreadsheet = 6
Certificates = 7
Photo = 8
EICR = 9
Brochure = 10
Window Card = 11
EPCGraph = 12
Example field on request:

"DocumentTypeId": 1


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure, note that some fields will have default values, such as updates related fields:

Example response:

Content-Type: application/json
"DocumentId": long,
"RecordId": long,
"RecordTypeId": integer,
"DocumentTypeId": integer,
"DocumentTypeName": string,
"FileName": string,
"Shared": boolean,
"LastUpdateUserId": long,
"LastUpdateUserForeName": string,
"LastUpdateUserSurName": string,
"LastUpdateIP": string,
"LastUpdate": "date",
"Icon": "string",
"MediaId": long,
"MediaGUID": string,
"MediaURLPrimary": string,
"FileBase64": string,
"UploadToPortals": boolean,
"ExpirationDate": "date",
"PasswordProtected": boolean,
"Password": string,
"Public": boolean,
"ProofType": integer,
"LinkedName": string,
"Compliance": boolean,
"IsImage": boolean,
"FileSize": float