Portal Enquiry: post

Create a new Protal Enquiry.

Request - POST https://api-uat.vtopenview.com/PortalEnquiry

You will need to supply a request body with this method.
You will need to sent on request your access token. For more information, see the authentication and authorization page.

Example request with authorization:

curl -- POST Base URI: https://api-uat.vtopenview.com/PortalEnquiry
--header "Authorization: Bearer MTQ0NjJkZmQ5OTM2NDE1ghNNBiuyUYUN"

Request Body
Example request body:

Content-Type: application/json
"title": "string",
"forename": "string",
"surname": "string",
"phoneDay": "string",
"phoneEve": "string",
"email": "string",
"propertyid": long,
"comment": "string",
"portalTypeId": integer,
"isSales": boolean,
"isLettings": boolean,
"sendEmail": boolean,
"sendSMS": boolean,
"createApplicant": boolean,
"createVendor": boolean,
"branch": {
"branchid": integer,
"address": {
"houseno": "string",
"address1": "string",
"address2": "string",
"town": "string",
"county": "string",
"postcode": "string",
"latitude": decimal,
"longitude": decimal,
"geocodingverified": boolean,
"countryname": "string",
"countrydisplayname": "string",
"fulladdress": "string",
"shortaddress": "string"

Property Id:

This field is optional.


The list below describes the possible status for portalType. This field is optional.

Zoopla : 1
RightMove : 2
OnTheMarket : 3

Example field on request:

"portalTypeId": 1


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

Example response:

Content-Type: application/json
"title": "string",
"forename": "string",
"surname": "string",
"phoneDay": "string",
"phoneEve": "string",
"email": "string",
"propertyid": long,
"comment": "string",
"portalType": "string",
"branch": {
"branchid": integer,
"address": {
"houseno": "string",
"address1": "string",
"address2": "string",
"town": "string",
"county": "string",
"postcode": "string",
"latitude": decimal,
"longitude": decimal,
"geocodingverified": boolean,
"countryname": "string",
"countrydisplayname": "string",
"fulladdress": "string",
"shortaddress": "string"