Journals: post

Create new Journal.

Request - POST

You will need to supply a request body with this method.
You will need to include your access token upon making a request. For more information, see the authentication and authorization page.

Example request with authorization:

curl -- POST Base URI:
--header "Authorization: Bearer MTQ0NjJkZmQ5OTM2NDE1ghNNBiuyUYUN"

Request Body
Example request body:

Content-Type: application/json
"JournalTypeId": integer,
"JournalDate": "datetime",
"Note": string,
"Hidden": boolean,
"Public": boolean,
"Records": [
"DisplayAs": string,
"RecordTypeId": integer,
"RecordId": long
"AttachmentsBase64": [
"FileName": "string",
"FileBase64String": "string"

Journal Type:

The list below describes the possible Journal Types ids.

Call = 1
Note = 2
Letter = 3
SMS = 4
Email = 5
Upload = 6
Feedback = 7
Task = 8
Job Note = 9
File = 10
Property Visit = 11
Associated Letter = 12
Rent Arrears = 13

Example field on request:

"JournalTypeId": 1


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

Example response:

Content-Type: application/json
"JournalId": long,
"JournalTypeId": integer,
"JournalDate": "date",
"Note": "string",
"Hidden": boolean,
"Public": boolean,
"Attachments": [
"JournalAttachmentId": long,
"JournalId": long,
"DocumentTypeId": integer,
"MediaId": long,
"MediaGuid": "guid",
"MediaUrl": "string",
"FileString64": "string"
"Records": [
"JournalId": long,
"RecordTypeId": integer,
"RecordId": long,
"DisplayAs": "string"